
For information about the other variants, see Revolver (disambiguation).

The Marksman Revolver is the green variant of the Revolver, and gives V1 the ability to toss coins into the air. It can be bought at the Terminal for 7,500P after obtaining the Piercer Revolver in [ 0-1: INTO THE FIRE ].


Press Alt Fire to throw a coin.
Hit an airborne coin to deflect your shot into the nearest enemy's weakpoint.
Coins can be chained.

- The Terminal.

The Marksman Revolver appears almost identical to the Piercer Revolver but has neon green lights as well as a different interface that indicates the number of available coins. The display also indicates how long until each coin recharges, and makes an audible "ding" noise when one is available again that rises in pitch the more coins available there are.


Primary Fire[]

The primary fire shoots a standard hitscan projectile at a reasonably high rate of fire, dealing 1 damage. Holding down primary fire will cause the gun to fire automatically. All stock revolver attacks benefit from locational damage multipliers, dealing 1.5x damage on limbshots and 2x damage on headshots.

It fires at the same rate as the Piercer and Sharpshooter variants.

Alternate Fire[]

For a more extensive outline of coins, see (Coin).

The alternate fire tosses a coin, with multiple coins able to be thrown in quick succession. A maximum of 4 coins can be held in reserve, with each coin taking 4 seconds to recharge when expended. These coins can multiply, empower, and aim hitscan attacks upon being hit, allowing for a truly impressive amount of strategies to be employed. They can also be punched into enemies with the Feedbacker to deal 2 damage.

It is worth noting that the trajectory of tossed coins will vary based on V1's movement. If V1 is moving forward, the coin will arc outward away from the player. If V1 is moving backward, the coin will arc upward into the air, remaining on a relatively straight path to the ground. If V1 moves left or right, the coin will move left or right with them. Finally, if V1 is falling, the coin will angle downward, and if V1 jumps, the coin will sail high into the air. The latter can be especially useful if one is trying to get multiple coins into a splitshot state.


The Marksman Revolver's primary fire can be quite useful when used in conjunction with its coin-tossing ability. Tossing a coin and shooting it will cause a ricoshot, bouncing the shot off the coin and reflecting it toward the nearest enemy. This is capable of instantly killing or severely injuring most low-level enemies. In addition, hitting a chain of Splitshots allows you to quickly clear out a room of fodder enemies.

This weapon is extraordinarily useful for taking out hard-to-hit targets such as Drones and Husks, with auto-aiming ricoshots and splitshots allowing for a fire-and-forget type of playstyle. Coins can be used in conjunction with other weapons as well, including the Piercer Revolver and its charge shot, the Alternate Revolver, the Electric Railcannon, and the Malicious Railcannon. Doing this has the potential to deal much more damage than the Marksman Revolver could ever do alone.

Coin Punching can also be utilized to rack up damage multipliers and look stylish while doing so. It's not just a style option though, as certain strategies such as Deadcoining can allow for some of the highest damage outputs in the game.

Coins do not differentiate between blessed and non-blessed enemies, so care should be taken when throwing coins to not waste ricoshots on invincible foes. This limitation can be circumvented by using ricoshots to detonate cores, frozen rockets, or cannonballs instead, as they have greater priority as ricoshot targets than enemies. Chargebacks are an exception to this; a successful Chargeback will ignore blessed targets, to compensate for the difficulty of its execution.


Note: This section also includes changes made to Coins.

Patch 11b (2022/8/29)
  • Coin's max distance to attempt hitting a core eject/rocket is now based on the explosive's distance to the player rather than the coin, making "orbital nukes" possible again. Coins also inherit rocket ride velocity and no longer target the rocket V1 is riding on.
  • Malicious Face chargeback explosion can no longer be blocked by Soldiers.
Patch 11 (2022/8/16)
  • Updated the Revolver model and texture.
  • Whiplash will now reset coin momentum and bounce it upwards.
  • The Auto Aim assist can target coins.
  • Added max distance limit to the coin trying to hit a core eject.
Patch 10b (2022/2/19)
  • V2 (Second Encounter) now has a cooldown after seeing a coin before attempting to shoot it; scales with Difficulty.
  • Cooldown between coin throws now resets when switching to another weapon.
  • Throwing a Coin with the Dual Wield power up no longer costs multiple coin charges.
The Saw Your Heart Update (2022/2/17)
  • Fixed bug where enemies with no weakpoints only ever take 1 point of damage from coinpunching.
  • Marksman Revolver now gets the correct amount of charge when skipping a cutscene while holding it.
  • Specifically-timed ricoshots no longer prevent V2 from using its shotgun.
  • Fixed a bug where throwing coins directly vertically could cause a multi-hit beam to get cancelled by hitting a dead coin.
Halloween Clash Update (2021/10/28) Fixed the Coin flip animation not being interruptible with a punch while holding a Torch.
Patch 8b Lukewarmfix (2021/8/23) Malicious beams (Face and Railcannon) no longer explode on a coin instead of reflecting if the beam just barely misses the coin hitbox.
The Sandbox Update (2021/8/13) Coin's style multiplier no longer exponentially increases when punched into the environment causing the game to grant points for the equivalent of thousands of coin shots. Coins also no longer persist through Checkpoint restarts.
Patch 6 Hotfix #2 (2021/4/19) Fixed the charge shot of the alternate revolver still hitting a coin even if all its hits have been drained.
Patch 6 Hotfix (2021/4/16) Fixed alternate revolver beams not applying the correct splitshot timing bonus when hitting an enemy while aiming at another coin.
Soul Survivor Update (2021/4/13)
  • Shooting a Coin with the Alternate Revolver during the splitshot timing now increases the shot's amount of hits by 1 (as well as matching the amount of times a shot will hit before piercing through to that new total hit amount).
  • Using a coin to hit a Malicious Face will no longer cause the bloodsplatter to appear at the coin's location instead of where the shot hits.
  • Coin punching damage now stacks to a cap of 5 unless the coin hits an enemy.
YEAR.END.UPDATE (2020/12/19)
  • Streetcleaners can now only be instakilled by ricoshots if the coin is behind them.
  • Coin splitshot window reduced from 0.1s (6 frames at 60FPS) to 0.067s (~4 frames at 60FPS)
  • Added alternate punch and coin flip animations for arms when holding items to avoid blocking too much of the screen.
  • Fixed bug where thrown coins would not chain with punched coins.
Hot Fix Patch (2020/11/06) Fixed punch sometimes getting stuck when punching and throwing a coin simultaneously.
Early Access Patch (2020/11/5) Coin flying sound no longer persists while paused.
Early Access Patch (2020/9/13)
  • Coin priority changed to: Coin > Grenade > Enemy > Glass.
  • If the Electric Railcannon hits an enemy before hitting a coin, the reflected beam will no longer ignore that enemy.
ULTRAKILL 58 - Coin Updates (2020/7/25) Added splitshot state and coin punching.
ULTRAKILL 48 - Level 1-1 and New Enemy Type (2019/8/10)
  • The per-coin cooldown system was replaced with the current 4 charges system
  • The battery indicator on the Marksman Revolver was replaced with the current 4 circles display.
ULTRAKILL 45 - Nailgun and Revolver Variation (2019/7/13) Revolver now launches a coin which ricochets a bullet into the nearest enemy; has a very brief cooldown between each coin tossed.
ULTRAKILL 06 - Variations on a Revolver (2018/2/10) The first version of the "Ricochet Revolver" - Brief recharge between shots, with bullets ricochet off of walls to deal increased piercing damage.


  • According to Hakita in a YouTube comment, the original "Ricochet Revolver" was replaced "... because it wasn't fun to use. It looks cool but the optimal way to use it is always to just shoot the ground in front of your enemy instead of doing cool trickshots. The coin version finds a proper balance between style and usefulness."
  • The Marksman Revolver generates coins from iron found in the environment, mainly from the blood that V1 collects.[1]
  • There is a small dog inside of the indicator for how much of a charge you have of your alternate fire. It is only visible when loading a new level.



(Alternate versions are italicized)
Alternate Revolver
Core Eject
Pump Charge
Sawed-On Shotgun HUD
Bluejackhammer HUDGreenjackhammer HUDRedjackhammer HUD
Impact Hammer
Jumpstart Nailgun HUD
AlternateAttractorHUDNewAlternateOverheatHUDNewAlternate Jumpstart HUD
Sawblade Launcher
Rocket Launchers
S.R.S. Cannon
Firestarter Rocket Launcher HUD
Gold Variant [WIP]