"If only we knew the suffering that would befall us next..."
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The Moon Pendant is an object that is exclusively found in [ 4-2: GOD DAMN THE SUN ]. It can be found in a secret hole near the Solarium's entrance. Placing the Moon Pendant on the pedestal located on the roof of the Solarium will change the time of day to night, making the burning sand no longer harmful, disabling the combat music and opening up the exit to [ 4-S: CLASH OF THE BRANDICOOT ].


  • Slamming on a pendant that sits on a pedestal will freeze the player in air, allowing to perform a Slam Storage.
    • This may be caused by the fact that Moon pendant shares a lot of code with the torch.
  • The pedestal on which it stands and is left is made of stone, like that of the torch and the soap.
  • The Moon Pendant is one of the only grabbable items that cannot be spawned with the Spawner Arm, the others being Books and the various fish in [ 5-S: I ONLY SAY MORNING ].
